Quantitative tests

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Quantitative tests are usually numeric or binary in nature, are more specific and more repeatable than Qualitative tests. Normally they are carried out with some sort of calibrated equipment These tests include:


  • Measured with
    • thermometer
    • thermocouple
    • color (eye, spectromter)
  • Measurements
  • melting point
    • boiling point
    • temperature of decomposition
    • flashpoint


aka specific gravity (relative to water being 1.0)
  • Measured with:
    • hygrometer (fluids with sufficient volume)
    • volumetric flask & scale
    • refractometer (transparent solids, gases, and fluids)


This is a common type of test, combining or exposing the test material to a known other material, establishing a reaction with quantitative or qualitative results
  • pH
    • Yamada Universal Indicator paper
    • Titration
      • with pH indicator and standardized acid/alkali
  • Solubility